Thursday, February 27, 2020


Braeden's Donald Orange

- First I started by choosing the person witch was Donald Trump
- I took one look at him and knew that he was born to be an orange so I got my orange and got to work
- This one was really easy because the orange was a good shape and I didn't need to use the liquify tool
- I placed the orange turned down the transparency and started erasing everything that wasnt his face
- I left the stem in for a little extra flavor
- After making it so only his face was covered with the orange I used multiply to blend the orange and trump together.
- than did the same steps with the grass and his hair.


Braeden's Rhinopard

 - First you place your rhino down as the base, than you place the leopard down on top
- use the liquefy tool to make the leopards skin fit the rhinos body
- than you erase all the extra crap that you dont need
- than you can add a filter like multiply too make it so you can see the rhinos body features better
- than you select and mask the rhino and get a different background to place him on.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


My Bird Lizard "Blizzard"
- First you need to open the picture of the bird in photoshop
- Than you cut out the lizards head and place it on the bird
- you need to erase anything extra and try and fit he lizard head on the bird so it looks natural
- remove the birds eye using the patch tool so you cant see it
-use the healing brush the blend the animals together
- add some color correction and make the lizard head a little brighter to match with the bird
-Make any final touches
- use the burn tool to create a shadow for the bird
- add blog url

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Braeden's CassoGirafurtle

-I chose my background I used a forest pond area you can use any background you like
-Than I placed my giraffe down and cut out the head and masked the rest
-Than I cut out the turtle shell and Transformed it to fit on the giraffes body
-Than I placed a new giraffe and this time I only used the neck and put it where i wanted
-Than I cut out the Cassowarys head and placed it on new Giraffe neck
-Than I color balance the giraffe and cassowary and made them go together a little better
than I used the burn tool to make it look like the shell is more in place by adding a sort of shadow effect onto the giraffe
-I than added my watermark and called it a day

Monday, February 10, 2020


CrocFrog Morph

- First set your new image to 1024x768 pixels
- Than you drop your original frog and crocodile into the photoshop
- Than you angle the and crop the croc head so it fits onto the frogs body
- remove all the extra croc so its face fits perfectly onto the frogs body
- Than you start using the close stamp tool to remove the eye and blend the skin of the frog with the croc better
- Create a layer mask and use color balance the blend the croc and frog together
- use dodge tool for more blending of the frogs skin
- use burn tool to create a shadow that matches the crocs head
- add a new background layer of your choice
- Merge all the prior layers together than bring it above the background layer
- than select the frog and mask and you are done.