Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hour 2

What I did this hour?
I started off by watching the intro to variables video and created a variable that changes the eye size of the bunny and another variable that changes the teeth size of the bunny. After that I did the Funky From challenge where I learned how to add and subtract from different variables. Than I did my first animation project where I learnt how to use draw functions and make a sun grow over a certain amount of time, I also did the parting clouds challenge.
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to animate with code using different shortcuts and make things grow or move a certain speed using code
what will I do next hour?
I will start the next animation project witch is Project: Shooting Star

Monday, April 27, 2020

Ferrari VS Lamborghini

Braeden's Ferrari VS Lamborghini
- Start by getting ur base image I chose A picture of cars where it splits down the middle so its easier for me and they dont overlap
- Than chose what fruit you want to use I chose grapes and Pineapple
- fit the fruit of your choice over the car and ease all the stuff you dont want like if you dont want the texture on the windows or wheels
- This one was easier because I hardly had to use the liquify tool and got straight to the filter and used multiply for both cars
- I than removed the cars logo using the Patch tool and replaced it with the fruit of the car.
-added my url called er a day.

JS: Drawing & Animation 1

What I did this hour?
 First I decided on doing the Intro to JS: drawing & Animation!
than i was shown some basic tutorials on how to draw Circles using code
After that I made a snowman using the things I learned in the tutorial
watched another tutorial on rectangles and lines and than added more detail to my snowman
watched a tutorial on how to fill the objects with color, than tried it out for myself. than I learned how too make traingles and made a peice of pizza than I took a practice test on variables to get a better understanding of the diffrence between all the variables
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to make a snowman and color in the picture all using code and create triangles and different shapes, andput all those simple shapes together to make something and I learnt about the different variables for the diffrent shapes
What am I going to do next hour?
Next hour I will start the Bucktrooth Bunny Challenge