Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hour 4

What I did this Hour?
I started by continuing on from where I left The next challenge that I had to do was the "Mouse Tracker" where I learnt how to label the cords of where my cursor is so it was combining the use of text in the code and the mouse tracker function using mouseX, mouseY
after I did that I did an add design project where I made a stuffed winston add than I moved on to the next lesson "functions" where I learned how to make a function that says prints out my name. the next challange I did was "Moles in Holes" where I learnt how to make a function that draws out little moles.
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to create functions that can store alot of little things of code in a simple piece of code, I learnt how to make a mouse tracker using code and I was refreshed on making basic images using ellipses and other things.

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