Sunday, June 14, 2020

Game Journalism Day 1

This game is an open world survival and reminds me alot like raft.

you go from town to town gathering items and building stuff to upgrade yourself and your blimp weather that be getting a new axe or building a new platform and you have to run from some beast called the "seeker". you need to make sure to stop at every town you see or else you  will just fly past it I learned that the hard way.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hour 4

What I did this Hour?
I started by continuing on from where I left The next challenge that I had to do was the "Mouse Tracker" where I learnt how to label the cords of where my cursor is so it was combining the use of text in the code and the mouse tracker function using mouseX, mouseY
after I did that I did an add design project where I made a stuffed winston add than I moved on to the next lesson "functions" where I learned how to make a function that says prints out my name. the next challange I did was "Moles in Holes" where I learnt how to make a function that draws out little moles.
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to create functions that can store alot of little things of code in a simple piece of code, I learnt how to make a mouse tracker using code and I was refreshed on making basic images using ellipses and other things.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hour 3

What i did this hour?
I started by watching a tutorial and learning how to use mouse interaction and use that in
in the "tasty tomato" challenge. After that I did the mouse mania challenge where instead of
using the mouse command to erase the apple, it has a fill making it so you can use it like a paintbrush. the next tutorial I watched I learned how use variable expressions making it easier for me to quickly adjust the size of shapes and such. after watching that I completed the "Brown Bear Eyes" challenge. After that I watched a tutorial on how to implement text into the code so you can display text on the image.
What are some things Ive learnt?
How to become more familiar with using variables instead of trying to adjust it the hard way
using my cursor as a variable and how to implement text into my image.
what will I do next hour?
Start the next challange

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hour 2

What I did this hour?
I started off by watching the intro to variables video and created a variable that changes the eye size of the bunny and another variable that changes the teeth size of the bunny. After that I did the Funky From challenge where I learned how to add and subtract from different variables. Than I did my first animation project where I learnt how to use draw functions and make a sun grow over a certain amount of time, I also did the parting clouds challenge.
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to animate with code using different shortcuts and make things grow or move a certain speed using code
what will I do next hour?
I will start the next animation project witch is Project: Shooting Star

Monday, April 27, 2020

Ferrari VS Lamborghini

Braeden's Ferrari VS Lamborghini
- Start by getting ur base image I chose A picture of cars where it splits down the middle so its easier for me and they dont overlap
- Than chose what fruit you want to use I chose grapes and Pineapple
- fit the fruit of your choice over the car and ease all the stuff you dont want like if you dont want the texture on the windows or wheels
- This one was easier because I hardly had to use the liquify tool and got straight to the filter and used multiply for both cars
- I than removed the cars logo using the Patch tool and replaced it with the fruit of the car.
-added my url called er a day.

JS: Drawing & Animation 1

What I did this hour?
 First I decided on doing the Intro to JS: drawing & Animation!
than i was shown some basic tutorials on how to draw Circles using code
After that I made a snowman using the things I learned in the tutorial
watched another tutorial on rectangles and lines and than added more detail to my snowman
watched a tutorial on how to fill the objects with color, than tried it out for myself. than I learned how too make traingles and made a peice of pizza than I took a practice test on variables to get a better understanding of the diffrence between all the variables
What are some things I learnt?
I learnt how to make a snowman and color in the picture all using code and create triangles and different shapes, andput all those simple shapes together to make something and I learnt about the different variables for the diffrent shapes
What am I going to do next hour?
Next hour I will start the Bucktrooth Bunny Challenge

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Braeden's Donald Orange

- First I started by choosing the person witch was Donald Trump
- I took one look at him and knew that he was born to be an orange so I got my orange and got to work
- This one was really easy because the orange was a good shape and I didn't need to use the liquify tool
- I placed the orange turned down the transparency and started erasing everything that wasnt his face
- I left the stem in for a little extra flavor
- After making it so only his face was covered with the orange I used multiply to blend the orange and trump together.
- than did the same steps with the grass and his hair.


Braeden's Rhinopard

 - First you place your rhino down as the base, than you place the leopard down on top
- use the liquefy tool to make the leopards skin fit the rhinos body
- than you erase all the extra crap that you dont need
- than you can add a filter like multiply too make it so you can see the rhinos body features better
- than you select and mask the rhino and get a different background to place him on.